In the Academy of Historical Arts, we believe strongly in equality and inclusivity, and our clubs are all open and welcoming to anyone from any background or nationality.
We are interested in helping more people across the UK experience and learn historical skills such as archery, blacksmithing, and authentic martial arts sourced from historical fencing treatises. Our clubs have members from all over the world, including both men and women of a wide range of ages and ability.
Within our organisation, we refuse to be party to any racist, sexist, white-supremacist, or any other -ist or -ism agendas. Anyone and everyone will be perfectly welcome at any of our clubs, without any judgement, and will receive complete equality of opportunity to practise with us. Club leaders address antisocial behaviour and other problematic behaviours swiftly and conclusively.
What we prioritise is personal effort. If you put in the effort, you will achieve success, and this equality of opportunity is what matters most in the organisation. Not everyone can or will be a national champion or international instructor, but everyone is capable of putting in the effort necessary to improve themselves week by week. Why not check which HEMA groups are close to you, and get in touch with them to see about coming along for a session?
For more information, please see our formal AHA Equal Opportunities Policy.